Type Guards in Javascript Using JSDoc Comments

In Typescript you can write type guards to filter down a union type to a single type. For example:

// user-defined type guard
function isFish(pet: Fish | Bird): pet is Fish {
  return "swim" in pet;

const pet: Fish | Bird = getPet();

// at this point you either have a Fish or Bird

if(isFish(pet)) {
    // at this point you (and tsc and intellisense) know you have a Fish
} else {
    // at this point you (and tsc and intellisense) know you have a Bird

JSDoc Type-Checking Version

What if you write your code in Javascript and use JSDoc comments for type-checking and intellisense? You can still write and use type guards!

/** @typedef {{swim: () => void}} Fish */
/** @typedef {{fly: () => void}} Bird */

 * @param {Fish | Bird} pet
 * @returns {pet is Fish}
function isFish(pet) {
  return "swim" in pet;

/** @type {Fish | Bird} */
let pet = getPet();

// at this point "pet" is either a Fish or Bird

if (isFish(pet)) {
  // at this point you (and tsc and intellisense) know you have a Fish
} else {
  // at this point you (and tsc and intellisense) know you have a Bird

Hopefully you found this post helpful, if you have any questions you can find me on Twitter.

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